Escape Hunt



6 Exciting escape rooms at The Escape Hunt Experience Maastricht

Which escape rooms can you book at The Escape Hunt Experience Maastricht?  We have 6 escape rooms at The Escape Hunt Experience Maastricht split into 3 different adventurous games.  Each has an exciting and different theme.

Can we play against each other in different adventures?  Our 6 game rooms are separate but are split into 3 themes with the same mystery to solve to allow for two teams to compete against each other.  This way you can book as a group of up to 20 people, split into 2 groups and then compete against each other. So if you have an urge to compete, try it, it’s great fun as we start the countdown timer at exactly the same moment – up to 30 people!

Can you tell us more about the adventures? Yes of course we can.

The Missing Maiden

Charlotte Wolter, the daughter of a middle class family, is a famous Austrian actress. She is in love with a young man from a high class Maastricht family, Stefan Zaan, and they are preparing for the wedding. On the morning of her wedding day, the young and beautiful bride is nowhere to be found. Her family and fiancé are frightened that she has been kidnapped. They do not want her disappearance to be announced in public and the wedding is starting in 60 minutes. The players, who are famous detectives, are called upon by her fiancé to help investigate and find the bride in 60 minutes before the guests and reporters begin to suspect that something is amiss.

Deadly Family Affair

The well known Beaumont family established their business empire, Beaumont Metal Industries, in 1866. The family was famous for producing rifles, steal heaters, beds and mattresses. Edouard de Beaumont, the heir and successor who took over the business in 1890, has arranged a big and festive family dinner one evening in 1895. After a toast to celebrate the night, the master of the household starts gasping and collapses onto the family dining room floor before drawing his final breath. The local police are stumped by the mysterious death. They are becoming seriously worried that they cannot make progress because it is now some time after they originally investigated the scene. No one appears to know what happened but everyone knows that everything he owns will go to his two sons. His lawyer suspects foul play and calls upon the players, who are famous Maastricht detectives, to investigate the scene and uncover the truth within 60 minutes before the room is sealed and the evidence lost forever.

Shipwrecked on Cannibal Cove

In 1723 Captain Pieter Westrik and 225 crew members set sail from Texel to Batavia on a new ship: The Fortuyn (owned by the Dutch East India Company and the Chamber of Amsterdam). During its maiden voyage, a rough storm pushed The Fortuyn off course and caused a wreckage on an eerie island. After regaining consciousness, the players – being crew members on The Fortuyn – discover that the ship had been looted and that crew members have been disappearing by the hour. Now only the players are left and they must find a way to escape the island before their own 60 minutes are up.